Friday, December 14, 2007

The Get-Arounds "Get Around!" free album

Ricky from The Galactic Heroes spent all of November writing, recording, a whole album. It was part of the National Solo Album Month. Where musicians write and record an entire album during the month of November - all by themselves and they can only have one cover song. I think this is the challenge Ricky needed since he has been separated from Mike by distance and usually records with a collaborator that this encouraged him to go out on his own. Ricky has his own blog where you can see his comments during the month of recording. I know Ricky did a lot of work on this but I feel like his friends and fans real get all the benefit. It has been so long since there was a new Galactic Heroes' song that this such a joy to my ears.

Here is a quote from Ricky's blog about the album"I had already been writing songs as part of my song of the week exercise, but a 30 minute album in a month meant that I'd have to triple my current rate. What slows me down the most when I record is trying to figure out what to write songs about and my compulsive overdubbing tendencies (an old theory is that if you mask a crappy song with enough instruments it becomes good). To counter this I decided to pretend to be an oldies band with 4 members -- 2 guitarists, a bassist and a drummer. All four members could sing. This stopped too many overdubs (though I did add tambourine to almost every song and claps to a few). Also, being an oldies band meant that I could write every song about a girl."

I helped come up with the band name. Padgett came up with the title and Todd did the cover artwork. I would love to see a real live Get-Arounds band play these songs.

Here is a link to the album

Here is a link to his blog which includes way more info and bonus songs. Thanks Ricky!

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